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Don Wise's Profile


Don Wise


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Contact Info:

About Me

Educational History:

I attended Texas Tech University  in Lubbock Texas and have both a Bachelor’s of Science Degree and a Masters of Education Degree from Tech.

Degrees and Certifications:

 I am certified in the following areas:




Oklahoma History

US History

World History

World Geography

Physical Education Health and Safety

Special Education (Generic)

Elementary Principal

Secondary Principal



Family Information:

I am married to my wonderful wife, Rachel, and we have two sons, Don and Daniel. My oldest son Don has an Aerospace engineerintg degree and is a director at the Rocket and Space Center in Huntsville, Alabama. My Youngest Son is an English Teacher in Belton, Texas. My wife and I also have  our Staffordhire terrier, Blue, who acts like he is one of our children.

Personal Information:

  In my off time I like to fish, hunt and go to the range. I work leather projects and collect military memorbilia.  I have artifacts from World War I, World War II, and  Vietnam. For fun I also practice Bagua Zhang, lift weights, run, hike and camp out.

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